Safely Dispose of Business Hazardous Waste
Summer 2023 Newsletter | Goleta
City of Goleta’s Single-use Plastic Reduction Policy
Spring 2023 Newsletter
Holiday Waste Prevention Tips
The winter holiday season is exceptionally wasteful, so try some of these tips to reduce your impact.
2022 Fall/Winter Newsletter | Buellton
We will be collecting Christmas trees free of charge after
the holidays. To have your tree recycled please bring it to
the curbside on your green waste collection day. If you
do not have green waste service, bring your tree to the
curbside on your trash collection day.
2022 Fall/Winter Newsletter | Goleta
We will be collecting Christmas trees free of charge after the
holidays. To have your tree recycled please bring it to the curbside
on your greenwaste collection day. If you do not have greenwaste
service, bring your tree to the curbside on your trash collection day.
2022 Fall/Winter Newsletter | Santa Barbara County
We will be collecting Christmas trees free of charge after the
holidays. To have your tree recycled please bring it to the curbside
on your greenwaste collection day. If you do not have greenwaste
service, bring your tree to the curbside on your trash collection day.
Monthly Newsletter – October 2022
October is Fire Prevention Month! NEVER put batteries inside your waste containers. Batteries are extremely flammable when jostled around in our trucks and facilities, and they must be disposed of carefully.
Monthly Newsletter – September 2022
Cleaning out your closet? Drop off clean clothing, shoes (matching pairs), bags, bed sheets, and pillow cases at either MarBorg’s Goleta Recycling Center or the County of Santa Barbara’s South Coast Recycling and Transfer Station.
Monthly Newsletter – August 2022
Please do not flush medication down the drain (unless the medication label specifically instructs you to do so) because wastewater treatment plants can not remove many of the chemicals.