Aluminum Cans
Must be clean & dry. Examples include soda, beer, and sparkling water.
Tin Cans
Must be empty, clean & dry. Examples include soup, vegetables, beans, tuna, and wet cat/dog food.
Clean Aluminum Foil
Must be clean & dry. Try to reuse foil before tossing it out.
Clean Aluminum Trays
Must be empty, clean & dry. Try to reuse trays before tossing them out.
Metal Flatware
Must be clean & dry. Try to donate flatware before tossing it out.
Pots & Pans
Must be clean & dry. Try to donate pots and pans before tossing them out. It is OK if the pots and pans have non-stick coating and/or plastic handles.
Aerosol Cans
Must be completely empty, so be sure to use all of the contents before recycling the cans. You can keep the caps on. Examples include spray paint, sun block, hair spray, and deodorant.
Empty Paint Cans
Must be completely empty, so be sure to use all of the contents before recycling the cans. The lids can be recycled as well.
Scrap Metal & Metal Parts
All items must fit inside your recycling container with the lid closed.
CDs or DVDs
CDs and DVDs are comprised of layers of metal and plastic, which makes them impossible to recycle. Try to donate or repurpose dics for craft projects prior to disposing of them.