Residential Collection

Residential Collection


MarBorg Different Bin TypesPick-Up Hours:

For curbside pick-up service, please place wheeled carts to the curb no later than 6:00am on collection day.

To Change Services:

Phone: (805) 963-1852

No green waste or recyclables should be put into your trash container.

No hazardous waste, oil, paint, batteries, fluorescent lightbulbs. These materials may be brought, free of charge, to one of several facilities.

Click here for more hazardous waste recycling information.

For all other types of services that we provide, please call our office and we will be happy to assist you in any way possible.

Curbside Pick-Up

MarBorg offers the options of curbside pick-up with free, easy-to-maneuver, wheeled carts for trash, green waste, and recycling, as well as backyard collection service. Curbside wheeled carts are available in 35, 65, and 95 gallon sizes. To change services or adjust your service volume, please contact us at 805-963-1852. With curbside pick-up, wheeled carts must be brought to the curb by 6:00 am on your collection day.

Containers must be removed from the roadway within twelve (12) hours after collection.

Backyard Collection Services

The maximum weight, including waste, must not exceed sixty (60) pounds (overweight containers may be subject to non-pickup). The number of containers you may use in any collection day may not exceed the number you have subscribed to. You must leave your containers in the same location each pickup day.

Extra Trash and Green Tags

If you have extra trash or yard waste that you would like collected, attach the appropriate extra tag to the bag, box, or bundle of material. Tags will be provided when you start service with MarBorg, and extra tags can be provided whenever you request them from the office. Your account will not be charged until you use the tag. This tag authorizes the driver to collect the extra material, and charges your account. You may also authorize extra pick-ups by calling the office, if you do not have any tags available.

Loose Dogs

Loose dogs and other animals are the customer’s responsibility. Please keep them locked or tied up on your pickup day. We cannot be held responsible for animals that may get loose. To avoid that possibility, you may place your cans outside the fence or gate on pickup days.

Missed Services

Missed services occur occasionally. You must call our office within 24 hours of your scheduled pickup. Our crew will return to your home no later than the following day.

Vacation Credits

Vacation credits will only apply if you notify our office prior to your departure date. Vacation credits are given for one month or more.


White goods can be brought to our C & D facility for recycling at no charge. Please click here for more information.

Special Haul Services

If you have excess refuse, old furniture, moving boxes, etc., please call our office for pickup information. Free estimates will be given.

Holiday Collection

Holiday Collection will not be made on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and 4th of July. If your trash, green, or recycling collection day falls on one of those holidays, your pickup will be scheduled for the following day.
