Film Plastic Drop-Off

Film Plastic Drop-Off

MarBorg is not able to collect film plastics (plastic bags, bubble wrap, produce bags, etc.) from your blue bin. Over the past few years, recycling brokers stopped buying these film plastics from commingled recycling programs because other materials placed in the recycling containers like glass shards and food waste) contaminate the plastics. These contaminants render film plastics useless, thus giving them no value. Fortunately, residents are able to drop off clean film plastics at several locations to be recycled. These consumer-driven, source separated film plastic return programs produce a high-quality material that can be effectively used in a specialty reuse process. See below for more details.

Are you ready to recycle your film plastic?


For safety, sanitary and other concerns, Ablitt’s customer service will no longer accept film plastic at Ablitt’s front counter. Because of Ablitt’s desire to continue helping our community recycle these difficult to recycle materials, we are now having recycling events

by INVITATION ONLY and staffed by volunteers.

To learn more about the program and to sign up to join the email list for notifications about upcoming collection events, please visit .

By attending one of Ablitt’s film plastic recycling events you are agreeing to the following:

  1. Ablitt’s parking is for quick drop off and pick up for Ablitt’s clients. We ask recyclers to use street parking or the 75 minutes free city lot across the street when recycling plastic.
  2. Because of the limited time, there may be a wait to recycle. Please be patient as we work out these details
  3. Ablitt’s volunteers will watch and guide you as you sort your own plastic.
  4. Non-Recyclable plastics will be explained why they are not acceptable, so you can avoid them in the future if possible
  5. All non -Recyclables will be returned to you to dispose of at home.

These changes needed to be made because we want a scalable and sustainable recycling program for our entire city. Please keep in mind

  • Ablitt’s recycling events are educational events meant to create an atmosphere of fun, learning and possibility.
  • It is our hope that if you participate in our recycling event, you will start your own collections with friends, family, or coworkers and in this way increase what gets recycled😊

Thank you for your continued recycling efforts and I look forward to seeing you soon! . . . . Sasha Ablitt

Acceptable Items

  • Retail, carryout, newspaper, dry cleaning bags (clean, dry, and free of receipts and clothes hangers)
  • Bread bags or tortilla bags turned INSIDE OUT and shaken free of crumbs
  • Plastic shipping envelopes (remove labels/tape as best you can), bubble wrap, and air pillows (deflate)
  • Product wrap on cases of water/soda bottles, paper towels, napkins, disposable cups, bathroom tissue, diapers, and female sanitary products
  • Furniture and electronic wrap
  • Plastics with a recycle number 2 and 4
  • White Amazon mailers
  • Clean Ziplock bags (remove tabs)