City of Santa Barbara Waste Collection Services

City of Santa Barbara Waste Collection Services

Welcome, City of Santa Barbara Customers

MarBorg Industries is proud to provide service to residential and commercial customers in the City of Santa Barbara. This City-specific landing page provides links to information about rates, the franchise agreement, drop-off locations, and other services provided by Santa Barbara and MarBorg.

To start, stop or change service, please call MarBorg Industries at 805-963-1852.

City of Santa Barbara Sustainability and Resilience Department

Bulky Item Collection

Did you know that all City of Santa Barbara residences are eligible for four (4) bulky item pick ups each calendar year?

Free Sharps Containers

City residents are eligible to receive free sharps containers to properly manage their needles.

Curbside Household Battery Collection

Did you know that residents can have their household batteries collected at the curb?

How do I dispose of?

Do you have questions regarding proper disposal of an item?  Check out MarBorg’s “How do I dispose of?” page for information.

March 15 HHW Collection Event

In the first quarter of 2025, City of Santa Barbara Residents have a household hazardous waste collection event scheduled for: Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.